Vijaya Kancherla, PhD, Research Assistant Professor in the Department of Epidemiology at Rollins, recently won the 2021 F. Clarke Fraser New Investigator Award from the Society for Birth Defects Research and Prevention (SBDRP, previously Teratology Society) for her vast body of work on birth defects epidemiology. This award honors F. Clarke Fraser, one of the founding members of the SBDRP for his many contributions to the field of developmental toxicology. During the awards ceremony this summer, Kancherla will give a presentation related to her research, which will serve as a demonstration to pre- and postdoctoral students of the development of an independent career in birth defects research. Read the full story.
Category: In the News
Recent stories about what is happening regarding the presentation of Spina Bifida.
Dr. Godfrey Oakley wins Kenneth Rothman Career Accomplishment Award at 2020 Society for Epidemiologic Research

Dr. Oakley wins Kenneth Rothman Career Accomplishment Award from the Society for Epidemiologic Research for his advocacy in promoting fortification of food to prevent neural tube defects. The award was presented at 2020 Annual Conference of Society for Epidemiological Research.
Click on this link to hear Dr. Oakley’s interview in response to the award.
Neural Tube Defects Are Preventable: Buy Corn Masa Flour and Tortilla Products That Contain Folic Acid Interview with: Vijaya Kancherla, PhD, Research Assistant Professor, Department of Epidemiology, Epidemiologist, Center for Spina Bifida Prevention, Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University. The scientific evidence since 1991 has shown that folic acid prevents from 35%-95% of neural tube birth defects that are caused due to low folic acid (also known as vitamin B9) in the mother’s diet prior to conception and during early pregnancy. Neural tube defects form in the embryo at 4th week of gestation when most women are unaware they are pregnant. Read the full story.
U.S. folic acid supplementation effort may not be reaching Hispanic women
(Reuters Health) – Corn masa flour and tortillas sold in U.S. grocery stores may not be fortified with folic acid, which means a government effort to help reduce birth defects among Hispanic babies may not be working as intended, a small study suggests. Read the full story.
James G Wilson Publication Award
Congratulations to Vijaya Kancherla, PhD, of the Center for Spina Bifida Prevention, for being awarded the James G. Wilson Publication Award.
This award recognizes the best paper accepted or published in the journal Birth Defects Research. Dr. Kancherla will present highlights from the paper, “A 2015 global update on folic acid-preventable spina bifida and anencephaly” at this year’s Annual Meeting in Denver, Colorado on Sunday, June 25 at 2:30 pm. Read the full Story.